haha yesterday i bought two new shorts (not that short though :P) and the other day, i bought a pair of pants and sandals wheeeeee christmas is indeed in the air! and i love my mom soooooo much for giving me money that i feel like i dont need work anymore hahahaha everyday seems like a holiday for meeeee ~yaaaaaay
now all i need is a new bag, a new shirt and a pair of havaianas! haha perti pa nakong saway sauna kay murag spartan lang iyang ichura hahaha i can still remember what i told kuya.
kuya: dem, si olan nagpalit ug havaianas diri para sa iyang mama. mahal kaayu
me: nyak dili ko ganahan ana! murag spartan man lang nah. tnawa ang mga tao karon confident na kaayu mag tsinelas maski dili havaianas ilang tsinelas hahaha
kuya: lagi murag tanan tao naga tsinelas nah :P
OMG now i want one too! hahaha i still can't find a design yet but i want one! ipanema has cute designs too! :D yaaaay im starting to like slippers yet again! kuyaaaaaaaaa, i want oneeeeeeeeeeeeeee! hihihihi
finally, i've decided to post all my fangirl-related stuffs in my LJ account coz i haven't written anything there yet haha. i use it solely for leeching latest mp3s and mvs. might as well post something there to thank those people who have screwed my life of all those fandomness! tama ka nga ella, they'll eat your brains out until it's too late to find out that you don't have brains anymore hahaha in short, nakaka bobo! :P
TACKEY is damn hot!!!!! sooo hot! hahaha kapila na nako ni gisulti! im hating you forever jenai. leche ka ikaw nag introduce sa ako anang Strawberry on the Shortcake! :P